From time to time, everyone should be exposed to the natural environment and rest in the forest. When constant outer stimuli and man-made sounds are being turned off, your heart rate and stress hormone levels drop as your general mood improves. Nature has a mysterious ability to calm you down and make you become aware of the constant thoughts contributed by everything around you. These are moments when something essential finally has the chance to pop up, it´s about seeing or understanding something for the first time or from a whole new perspective, a realization of some kind. You can head to the wilderness with head full of thought and come back being much calmer and more energetic.
Considering the hectic life that many people are forced to live nowadays, I believe that getting in touch with nature is something that can provide an opportunity for a truly recreating experience, instead of endless disposable products of the entertainment culture for example. Beauty in details can grab your whole awareness and help you focus on the essential. When a lot of things have to be done, organized and scheduled simultaneously, hurrying and stressing can become a habit and a program that keeps on running even if you would like to turn it off. Natural environment provides great setting for you to stop and discover the basic nature of being. It is said that the natural world knows no problems or disharmonies, conflicts only exist in human minds.
Many of the foreign people who have visited Hossa, mention the silence, remoteness and the unique melancholy of real wilderness when asked what have been the best or the most unexpected things during their visit. More and more people feel the need to go out in the wild and gladly there´s still destinations where peaceful natural surroundings can be found.
Nature nurtures you if given the opportunity, whether you like it or not!